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  • God is Caring

    Posted on August 7th, 2014 jadijohnson No comments

    Continuing in Genesis 21, we see just how caring our God is:

    163) God heard Ishmael crying (when he was in the desert with his mother, Hagar.)(God hears our cries of anguish and despair.)

    164) The angel of God called to Hagar from heaven! (She was just a simple woman.)

    165) The angel told Hagar that God had heard the boy crying.  God would make Ishmael into a great nation.  (And He did!  God keeps his promises.)

    166) God opened Hagar’s eyes so she would see a well of water.  (God takes care of our needs.  We never have to worry.)

    167) God was with Ishmael as he grew up.  (We aren’t on our own on this earth.  We have a great Protector.)