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  • God is Honest

    Posted on June 9th, 2014 jadijohnson No comments

    God keeps his promises.  Genesis 21 is proof.

    157) The Lord was gracious to Sarah as He had said, and He did for Sarah what He had promised. (God keeps his promises!)

    158) Sarah gave birth at the very time God had promised Abraham.  (Things happen in God’s timing.)

    159) God commanded Abraham to circumcise Issac.

    160) Sarah said, “God has brought me laughter.” (Our joy comes from the Lord.)

    161) When Sarah requests that Hagar and Ishmael be sent away, God said to Abraham, “Do not be so distressed about the boy (Ishmael) and your maid servant (Hagar).  It is through Issac that your offspring will be reckoned.”

    162) God told Abraham that He would also make Ishmael into a nation because he is Abraham’s offspring.