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  • Go On A Life Search

    Posted on April 28th, 2012 jadijohnson No comments

    … otherwise known as GOALS.  Do you want to be more focused?  Do you want to achieve more?  People with written goals do.  Then why do less than 1 in 100 people write down their goals?

    I have goals for my life, but they aren’t written down … until now.  I’m posting them so you’ll be encouraged to write down your own.  Here they are:


    1. I will eat balanced meals.

    2. I will exercise regularly.

    3. I will get enough sleep.


    1. I will spend more time with my kids. (I’m a single mom, so this one is very important.)

    2. I will spend more time with my parents.

    3. I will call my grandma more often.


    1. I will start to make more money.

    2. I will save more than I spend.

    3. I will scrutinize every potential purchase.


    1. I will learn from successful people.

    2. I will grow in wisdom.

    3. I will look for opportunities and seize them.


    1. I will read my Bible every day.

    2. I will write every day.

    3. I will rest my body so I can train my mind to be open to God’s voice.