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  • Christian Small Groups

    Posted on June 18th, 2012 jadijohnson No comments

    The value of participating in a Christian small group is your ability to make good friends.  Personally, I shy away from speaking up in large groups.  I tend to stay quiet and just listen, even if I’m dying to jump into the discussion.  Small groups, on the other hand, provide a more comfortable arena to share my views.  I’m not embarrassed about saying what I think.  I’m also able to make friends because I’m considered outgoing and friendly.  It’s just a fact that quiet people can sometimes be mistaken as snobbish and judgmental.

    My recommendation for making the most of your time in a small group is this:  don’t be afraid to speak up!  If you’re with fellow believers, chances are good that no one will say, “Well, that is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard!”  For the most part, we Christians are loving and encouraging.  We want to help each other grow and learn.  And most of us live by the Golden Rule:  Treat others as you would like to be treated.

  • Media and the Christian Life

    Posted on June 11th, 2012 jadijohnson No comments

    In my opinion, the Media:

    1) Leads impressionable kids and teens astray.

    2) Makes it seem like sin is the only way to have any fun.

    3) Gives one the impression that the acts portrayed are okay (everyone is doing it, it’s okay as long as you don’t get caught, and your parents probably did the same thing).

    4) Is time wasted that could be better spent on godly things.

    5) Lingers in your mind.

    What the Bible says:

    Romans 12:2

    Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.  Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is –his good, pleasing and perfect will.

    What we can do about it:

    1) Monitor what our kids are reading, watching on TV and at the movies, and listening to on the radio.

    2) Try to incorporate some wholesome, clean fun into our lives and the lives of our children.

    3) Let our children know what behavior is and is not okay.  Also, live by the same standards you give your kids.  Become a good role model!

    4) Spend your time reading the Bible and listening to worship songs.  Pick up a good Christian novel or nonfiction book.  Watch a G-rated Disney movie with your kids!

    5) Replace bad thoughts with good thoughts.  Fill your mind with the Word.  And don’t allow the world’s influence any air time in your brain!

  • Who Am I, Really?

    Posted on May 17th, 2012 jadijohnson No comments

    I picked up this book by Dr. Lynda Hunter for perhaps the tenth time.  I really like it.  What I wanted to share with you is the titles for each chapter.  I hope you take to heart what each one is saying.  They are true for ALL of God’s children:

    I Am Making a Choice

    I Am Armed

    I Am Loved

    I Am Free

    I Am Growing

    I Am Forgiven (and Forgiving)

    I Am Finding Intimacy

    I Am Called

    I Am Passing It On

    I Am Significant

    * We all need to brand these words on our hearts and minds!  Why would we ever feel like we are nothing when these truths are staring us in the face?  My friend, BELIEVE!!

  • I Wish I Had More Of These!

    Posted on May 10th, 2012 jadijohnson No comments

    I will call these Pearls of Wisdom, and I wish I had a whole necklace of them!

    *Don’t do anything that you don’t want to be doing if Jesus were to come!

    *To know God’s will, do the right thing.

    *A heart that seeks God finds Him.

    *I may not be with I can be, but I’m not what I was!

    *Use your life for God’s glory, not yours.

    *Be a light for future generations.

    *Without Jesus, I haven’t got a prayer.

    *”Truse me.  I love you.” — Jesus

    *Even when you die, He will still be by your side.

    *Don’t love something that can’t love you back!

    *God cannot tell a lie.  Satan cannot tell the truth.

  • Destination Continuation

    Posted on May 6th, 2012 jadijohnson No comments

    Upon request, I am continuing to record for you what I read in John Bevere’s book Extraordinary.  If you didn’t read the first post, please go back to it now and read it first!

    … For this reason, God had to come up with a plan to save humankind from what they brought on themselves and their descendants.  This is why Jesus had to die for us.  Jesus was born 100% God, thus He was free from the curse of sin.  But because He was also born 100% man, He could pay the price of man’s great sin against God.  Only another human could get us out of the judgment we had brought on ourselves.  For this reason, when Jesus became sin on the cross for our sake, He cried out, “My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?” (Matthew 27:46).  He took our punishment.  He took our place in regard to judgment.

    The chapter goes on to say:

    So when men and women give their hearts and lives to the lordship of Jesus, the legal ownership of Satan is broken, and the judgment held against them by God is completely satisfied.  God can justly grant us entrance into His kingdom and not violate His integrity.  What an extraordinary plan prepared by our amazing God!

  • Not One of My Travel Destinations!

    Posted on May 5th, 2012 jadijohnson No comments

    I was reading Extraordinary by John Bevere this morning and came across something interesting and worth sharing.  You might already be familiar with this, but his approach was unique:

    I know that many people are troubled by the question, “Why would a loving God send men and women to hell?”  There are several facets to the answer.  First, keep in mind that hell was not created for men and women but instead for Satan and his cohorts.  Jesus made this clear when He said to those who didn’t live for Him, “Begone from Me, you cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels!” (Matthew 25:41).  This important fact makes it clear why God had to purchase us back.  God indeed is love, but He is also just.  He never lies or bends the rules, so to speak.  If He did, He would no longer be God, for God “cannot lie” (Titus 1:2).

    Man was legally condemed to hell because he turned himself over to the lord of sin, Satan, in the Garden of Eden.  Once he did, he became a slave to sin and was doomed to its consequences — the same fate of his new master.  If God were to lighten the punishment for sin on man’s behalf, then He would not be just or fair to Satan.  Satan could then rightly accuse God of bending the rules for humankind, thus behaving in an unjust manner.  God cannot be partial in judgment because His character is the foundation of who He is.  As a result, humankind had to receive the exact same judgment as Satan and his angels.

    The book goes on to explain God’s reason for sending Jesus to earth.  It is worth reading about.  If anyone wishes me to continue sharing this section of the book, just drop me a comment!

  • Go On A Life Search

    Posted on April 28th, 2012 jadijohnson No comments

    … otherwise known as GOALS.  Do you want to be more focused?  Do you want to achieve more?  People with written goals do.  Then why do less than 1 in 100 people write down their goals?

    I have goals for my life, but they aren’t written down … until now.  I’m posting them so you’ll be encouraged to write down your own.  Here they are:


    1. I will eat balanced meals.

    2. I will exercise regularly.

    3. I will get enough sleep.


    1. I will spend more time with my kids. (I’m a single mom, so this one is very important.)

    2. I will spend more time with my parents.

    3. I will call my grandma more often.


    1. I will start to make more money.

    2. I will save more than I spend.

    3. I will scrutinize every potential purchase.


    1. I will learn from successful people.

    2. I will grow in wisdom.

    3. I will look for opportunities and seize them.


    1. I will read my Bible every day.

    2. I will write every day.

    3. I will rest my body so I can train my mind to be open to God’s voice.

  • Wait … Did I Just Think That??

    Posted on April 24th, 2012 jadijohnson No comments

    Thousands of thoughts pass through our minds every day.  What we fail to think about are our thoughts themselves and their effect on our day.  If your thoughts are prevalently negative, that is the kind of world you are living in.  Your thoughts can taint your entire outlook. 

    We can control our thoughts!  How?  Actually, it’s fairly easy.  If you want to improve your day, you first have to improve your thoughts.  Block the negative thoughts that are pounding you like a hammer.  You have the authority to admit only the thoughts you desire into your precious mind.

    The first step is to become aware of your thoughts.  Make it a new habit to examine the thoughts you are allowing in.  How do they make you feel?  Would you classify them as positive or negative?  If a thought is positive, let it stay.  If it is negative, toss it out.

    Here is a little secret about negative thoughts:  They breed!  One negative thought gives birth to another, and another, and another, until you feel discouraged or overwhelmed.  Can you guess who planted that original thought in your head?  You guessed it!  Satan did.  He loves when we’re feeling defeated.  We’re so much easier to lead astray than when we’re keeping our minds and our hearts on God.

    Remember Matthew 22:37?  We’re to love the Lord with all our heart and with all our soul and with all our mind.  If we’re busy focusing on God, we won’t fall prey to Satan’s schemes.

    The next time you realize that you’re feeling down, ask yourself what you have been thinking about today.  Have you been fretting over money, your job, or your relationships?  When we worry, we’re giving negative thoughts a free pass into our minds.  Throw up your hand and say, “Stop!  You can’t come in.”  Take control!  After all, it’s your mind we’re talking about here.

    I can’t end this post without prompting you to read Philippians 4:8.  You’ll be glad you did!

  • Warning: This Is Tough To Read!

    Posted on April 19th, 2012 jadijohnson No comments

    … but it is very important!!

    This morning, I was reading It’s Not About Me by Max Lucado.  I came to a part that took my breath away.  I felt led to share it with you all.  Here it is:

    God’s Great Love

    “Want to see the size of my love?” God invites.  “Ascend the winding path outside of Jerusalem.  Follow the dots of blood until you crest the hill.  Before looking up, pause and hear me whisper, “This is how much I love you.”

    Whip-ripped muscles drape his back.  Blood rivulets over his face.  His eyes and lips are swollen shut.  Pain rages at wildfire intensity.  As he sinks to relieve the agony of his legs, his airway closes.  At the edge of suffocation, he shoves pierced muscles against the spike and inches up the cross.  He does this for hours.  Painfully up and down until his strength is gone.

    Does God love you?  Behold the cross, and behold your answer.

    It brought tears to my eyes having to type that.  I hope it hits home for you as hard as it did for me.

    Brothers and sisters, WE ARE LOVED!

  • A Story of Sacrifice

    Posted on April 18th, 2012 jadijohnson No comments

    FEARLESS – The Story of Adam Brown

    by Eric Blehm, published by WaterBrook Multnomah Publishing Group

    On March 17, 2010, Navy SEAL Adam Brown died in Afghanistan.

    He was a man of faith.

    He didn’t know he was going to die that night, but he was ready…

    Click on the link below to see the Book Trailer for FEARLESS.