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  • Christian Small Groups

    Posted on June 18th, 2012 jadijohnson No comments

    The value of participating in a Christian small group is your ability to make good friends.  Personally, I shy away from speaking up in large groups.  I tend to stay quiet and just listen, even if I’m dying to jump into the discussion.  Small groups, on the other hand, provide a more comfortable arena to share my views.  I’m not embarrassed about saying what I think.  I’m also able to make friends because I’m considered outgoing and friendly.  It’s just a fact that quiet people can sometimes be mistaken as snobbish and judgmental.

    My recommendation for making the most of your time in a small group is this:  don’t be afraid to speak up!  If you’re with fellow believers, chances are good that no one will say, “Well, that is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard!”  For the most part, we Christians are loving and encouraging.  We want to help each other grow and learn.  And most of us live by the Golden Rule:  Treat others as you would like to be treated.


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