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  • God is Powerful

    Posted on October 30th, 2013 jadijohnson No comments

    The book of Genesis is full of God’s power.  God knew that in order for us to listen to Him, we needed to respect His awesome power. 

    Genesis 18

    133) The Lord appeared to Abraham again.  Abraham actually saw three men standing nearby.  They eat the food that Abraham prepares.  (Are the other two men actually angels?)

    134) The Lord said that He would return to Abraham about this time next year, and Sarah would have a son.

    135)  The Lord knew what Sarah was thinking!

    136) God asked Abraham, “Is anything too hard for the Lord?”  (A question we should always keep in mind!)

    137) The Lord asked the two men with Him, “Shall I hide from Abraham what I am about to do?” (I find this verse particularly interesting.)

    138) The Lord said, “For I have chosen him (Abraham), so that he will direct his children and his household after him to keep the way of the Lord by doing what is right and just, so that the Lord will bring about for Abraham what he has promised him.”  (Two important lessons here:  we are to direct our children, and we keep the way of the Lord by doing what is right and just.)

    139) The Lord said, “The outcry against Sodom and Gomorrah is so great and their sin so grievous that I will go down and see if what they have done is as bad as the outcry that has reached me.  If not, I will know.”  (Was is the outcry of the angels that God heard, or was it men like Abraham?  Also, God came down to earth to see for Himself what was going on!)

    140) Abraham calls God “the Judge” of all the earth.

    141) The Lord said, “If I find fifty righteous people in the city of Sodom, I will spare the whole place for their sake.” (God cares about mankind.  He doesn’t want us to be destroyed by sin.)

    142) The Lord agreed to spare Sodom if only ten righteous people could be found.

    Who says Christians can’t make a difference!!

  • Tokens of Promise

    Posted on September 26th, 2013 jadijohnson No comments

    Tokens of Promise by Teresa Pollard is a story about Judah and Tamar.  When Judah comes to Tamar’s defense, he knows he can’t just walk away from her.  But he is married and has vowed to have only one wife.  So he gives her to his eldest son, Er.  Er is an evil young man who puts his needs and desires first.  Although Ruah is in love with him, he decides he must have Tamar for his own.  Tamar admits her love to Judah, but the wedding still takes place.  It is anything but a romantic night, which ends in tragedy.  Her second marriage is no less tragic.  She returns to her father to await Shelah coming of age.  Will her marriage to Judah’s third son also end in disaster?  You’ll have to read to find out!

    What a novel!  It starts with a bang and speeds along toward a gripping climax scene.  I found the book hard to put down.  There were quite a few surprises that I didn’t see coming.  The author weaved fiction and nonfiction masterfully.

    This novel is definitely for a mature reader.  At times I felt like I was reading a secular romance novel.  (I’m ashamed to admit I read them before I became a Christian.)  Some things didn’t need to be painted so vividly for the reader. 

    There were also a couple times when the story strayed from the Biblical account.  I don’t believe we should re-write Scripture.  It’s perfect the way it is!

    All in all, I enjoyed the book and would recommend it to others.

    The publisher has provided me with a complimentary copy of the book through BookCrash.


  • God Is Awesome

    Posted on September 21st, 2013 jadijohnson No comments

    God revealed Himself in Genesis again and again.  And He didn’t just do that for Abraham.  The beauty of the Bible is it was written for ALL people.  We can all benefit from what is found between its pages.  Just approach it with a heart for learning.  We have a wonderful Teacher! 

    Genesis 17

    122)  The Lord appeared to Abram again when he was 99 years old.  (I wonder if Abram ever got used to that.  How could he?)

    123)  The Lord said, “I am God Almighty; walk before me and be blameless.  I will confirm my covenant between me and you and will greatly increase your numbers.”

    124)  God said, “You will be the father of many nations.”  (He had already decided this.)

    125)  God gave Abram a new name — Abraham.

    126)  God said He would establish His covenant as an everlasting covenant between Him and Abraham’s descendants for generations to come.  (God’s promises last!)

    127)  The Lord would be Abraham’s God and the God of his descendants.  (We’re supposed to share our God with our children!)

    128)  God gave the whole land of Canaan to Abraham as an everlasting possession for him and his descendants.  (God gives good gifts!)

    129)  God also gave Sarai a new name — Sarah.

    130)  God said He would bless Sarah and give Abraham a son by her.  He was to call his son Isaac.  (Children are a blessing from God.)

    131)  God said He would also bless Ishmael.  Ishmael would be the father of twelve rulers, and God would make him into a great nation.  But His covenant would be established with Isaac.

    132)  When God had finished speaking with Abraham, He went up from him (to heaven?).


  • God is Great

    Posted on August 13th, 2013 jadijohnson No comments

    His Word reveals how truly great God is.  Think of the Bible as a treasure chest.  We have to open it if we’re to gain its riches!

    Genesis 16

    118) Sarai, Abram’s wife, believed the Lord was keeping her from having children.  (He has a reason for everything.)

    119) The angel of the Lord found Hagar in the desert.  He spoke to her!  He told her to go back to Sarai, and He will increase her descendants.  He then spoke of the child she was carrying.  (We are rewarded when we do what God asks of us.)

    120) The Lord had heard of Hagar’s misery.  (We don’t suffer alone.)

    121) Hagar said, “You are the God who sees me.”  Also, “I have now seen the One who sees me.”  (God can see us, too!)

    Think about what this one chapter teaches us about God.  He loves us and doesn’t leave us alone to face the hardships of this world.  We were never meant to walk this earth alone.

  • The Gospel According to Les Miserables

    Posted on July 20th, 2013 jadijohnson No comments

    by Selena Sarns

    Les Miserables is about Valjean, a man sent to prison for stealing a loaf of bread. Soon after his release, he once again steals, this time from Bishop Myriel. The Bishop shows Valjean mercy, thus setting him on the right path. Valjean changes his identity to start fresh. Unfortunately, Inspector Javert has no intention of allowing Valjean to live a good life. Getting in the way of a simple life is Valjean’s meeting with a young prostitute named Fantine. With her dying breath, she begs Valjean to save her daughter, Cosette. Valjean gives his word, thus bringing a child into his troubled existence. And that is only the beginning.

    I was intrigued with the idea of finding the Christian connections in Les Miserables.  I enjoyed the movie (and the music!), so I figured I would enjoy this book as well. I did to an extent.

    Each reading included a Bible verse, an aspect of the movie, and an example of how we as Christians can apply the lesson in our daily lives. The author chose wonderful Bible verses, and she was quite adept at tying in a lesson the reader could take away from the reading. My only complaint was she often repeated an example from the movie. In particular, she focused on the scene where Bishop Myriel showed mercy on Valjean. As early as the third lesson, she began using a previous example. Maybe she should have grouped all of the lessons pertaining to one scene and then moved on to another scene. That way she wouldn’t have needed to repeat the scene. But like I noted earlier, the lessons were well done and enlightening, and I got a lot out of them.

    The publisher has provided me with a complimentary copy of the book through BookCrash.

  • The Mystery of God

    Posted on June 6th, 2013 jadijohnson No comments

    God gave us the Bible so we could get to know Him.  So why do we breeze through it?  Why do we think only seminary students should study it?  They aren’t the only ones who need to grasp its truths.  We all do!  So slow down and let the Word sink into your soul.  You’ll be glad you did.

    Genesis 15

    108) The word of the Lord came to Abram in a vision.  (He didn’t have a Bible, so God had to find another way to reach him.)

    109) God told Abram, “I am your shield, your very great reward.”  (Think about what God shields us from.  We have no idea how many times God protects us from evil, do we?)

    110) God took Abram outside and showed him the stars.

    111) God credits man’s belief as righteousness. (If you believe, you are righteous!)

    112) God spoke to Abram while he was in a deep sleep.  He foretold the Israelites’ enslavement to the Egyptians! (Proving God knows about future events.)

    113) God told Abram He will punish the nation that enslaves the Israelites, and His people will come out with great possessions.  (Our enemies will be punished, and we will be blessed.)

    114) God told Abram that he will die at a good old age, in peace. (God already knew!)

    115) God said that in the fourth generation, Abram’s descendants will come back here, for the sin of the Amorites has not yet reached its full measure. (see Genesis 10: 15 & 16)

    116) That evening, a smoking firepot with a blazing torch appeared and passed between the animal pieces that God instructed Abram to collect.

    117) On that day the Lord made a covenant with Abram.  He said, “To your descendants I give this land.”

  • Knowing God

    Posted on May 22nd, 2013 jadijohnson No comments

    I believe the Lord appeared to Old Testament men because they had no Bibles.  God had to be more obvious so they would know He was there.

    Genesis 12

    96)  The Lord spoke to Abram!

    97)  The Lord chose a land for Abram.

    98)  The Lord chose Abram to make into a great nation and to bless.  He would make Abram’s name great.

    99)  The Lord said He would bless those who bless Abram, and curse those who curse him.

    100)  The Lord said all people on earth will be blessed through Abram!  (that includes us!)

    101)  Once Abram reached Shechem, the Lord appeared to him again.  (Did Abram ever get used to that?  Would you?)

    102)  The Lord told Abram,  “To your offspring I will give this land.”

    103)  The Lord inflicted serious diseases on Pharaoh and his household because of Abram’s wife Sarai (she was taken into Pharaoh’s palace).  (The Lord lets man know when He is displeased.)

    Genesis 13

    104)  The Lord spoke to Abram once again!  (Can you imagine?)

    105)  The Lord gave Abram all the land he could see.  He also promised many offspring for Abram.

    Genesis 14

    106)  The first priest of God:  Melchizedek, king of Salem.  He was priest of God Most High (another name of God!)

    107)  God delivered Abram’s enemies into his hands.  (God protects his people!) 


  • Genesis and God

    Posted on May 17th, 2013 jadijohnson No comments

    Genesis 9

    84)  God blessed Noah and his sons.  (He gives blessings to believers!)

    85)  God told them that the fear and dread of them will fall upon all the beasts, the birds, and the creatures on the ground and in the sea.  They are given into man’s hands.

    86)  God said everything that lives and moves will be food for man.  “I now give you everything.”  But they must not eat meat that has its lifeblood still in it.  (God provides for our needs.)

    87)  God said,  “And for your lifeblood I will surely demand an accounting.  And from each man, too, I will demand an accounting for the life of his fellow man.”

    88)  God said, “Whoever sheds the blood of man, by man shall his blood be shed; for in the image of God has God made man.”  (Thou shalt not kill.)

    89)  God said,  “As for you, be fruitful and increase in number; multiply on the earth and increase upon it.”

    90)  God established his covenant with Noah and his sons and with their descendants — every living creature on earth:  Never again will all life be cut off by the waters of a flood.

    91)  God gave them a sign of the covenant — he set his rainbow in the clouds.  Whenever he brings clouds over the earth and the rainbow appears, he will remember his covenant.

    Genesis 10, Genesis 11

    92)  The Lord came down to see the city (in Shinar) and the tower that the men were building.  (He comes down to earth!)

    93)  The Lord was concerned when He saw what men were capable of doing when they worked together.

    94)  The Lord said, “Come, let us go down and confuse their language so they willl not understand each other.”  (Reason we have different languages.)  (Did you notice God said “let US go down”?)

    95)  So the Lord scattered the people over all the earth, and they stopped building the city. (God is in control.)

    Realization:  The Lord’s love for us is tremendous!  He has such patience for us.  We’re such willful children, always getting ourselves into trouble.

  • Having a Deeper Relationship With God

    Posted on May 16th, 2013 jadijohnson No comments

    Let’s not put the cart before the horse.  To love God, we need to know Him.

    Genesis 7

    76)  God tells Noah why He is saving him and his family — “I have found you righteous.”

    77)  God tells Noah that in seven days He will send rain for 40 days and 40 nights, and He will wipe from the face of the earth every living creature He has made.

    78)  After seven days, the floodwaters came, just as God said it would.  (He keeps his promises.)

    79) The Lord shut Noah and his family, along with the animals, inside the ark.

    80)  For 40 days the flood kept coming, just as God said it would (promise kept).

    Genesis 8

    81)  God remembered Noah and all the animals, and He sent a wind over the earth, and the water receded.  The springs of the deep and the floodgates of heaven were closed, and the rain stopped falling.  The water receded steadily from the earth.  (God keeps his promises.)

    82)  God called Noah out of the ark.

    83)  When Noah sacrificed burnt offerings on an altar to the Lord, God smelled the pleasing aroma and said in his heart:  “Never again will I curse the ground because of man, even though every inclination of his heart is evil from childhood.  And never again will I destroy all living creatures, as I have done.”

    Today’s Lesson:  God keeps his promises!

  • You’ve Got a Friend

    Posted on March 4th, 2013 jadijohnson No comments

    How do you starve the body?  You deny it food.  How do you starve the spirit?  You deny it the Holy Spirit’s presence and God’s Word.  Who inspired the men who wrote the Bible?  The Holy Spirit.  So who is better able to help you read it?  Who is in communication with God?  The Holy Spirit.  So who is better able to help you pray?  We aren’t on this journey alone.  We aren’t expected to fumble through this life like a blind person.  There is someone standing by to be our guide.  All we have to do is acknowledge He is there and take hold of his hand.  His greatest desire is to have fellowship with us.  He wants to be our dearest friend.  But He won’t force himself on us.  He is waiting for us to choose His friendship.

    What are we waiting for?