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  • The Field Trip

    Posted on January 16th, 2018 jadijohnson No comments
    “The Field Trip” by Greg Elsasser
    This spectacular novel is packed with action and suspense.  There is also a healthy dose of humor.  In the very first scene, Chasen Derrick is hired by Dysart Academy to teach English.  He can’t see why the school wants him so much, or why they’re offering him such an amazing salary, but he doesn’t question his good luck for long.  In the next scene, the reader discovers this job offer is not on the up and up.  Unfortunately, Chasen doesn’t know this.  So when he’s later offered the duty of chaperone for the field trip to England, he accepts.  The only drawback is Chasen’s least favorite student, Eddie Buenrostro, will also be going on the trip.  Four days into the trip, Chasen and the thirty students are at Shakespeare’s Globe when Chasen misplaces one of the kids.  One turns into twenty-nine while Chasen and Eddie search for the one missing kid.  Chaos reigns from this point forward.  Not only does Chasen have to locate the missing students, he also has the nearly impossible task of keeping himself and Eddie alive.  It seems the kidnappers have friends … with guns …
    I simply couldn’t put this book down.  It’s been quite a while since I stayed up late reading, or put off housework for just a little longer … which usually turned into an hour!  But stopping would’ve been like pausing a movie right in the middle of the action.  Impossible!  There were as many twists and turns as an exhilarating roller coaster ride.  And the surprises would pop up like a Jack-in-the-Box.  I just never knew what was going to happen next.  I cared deeply for Chasen and — I admit it — Eddie (the annoying kid grows on you).  So I was very worried about them … and believe me, there was plenty to worry about!
    As you might have guessed, I highly recommend this novel!


  • Moving From Broken to Beautiful Through Grief

    Posted on January 12th, 2018 jadijohnson No comments

    “Moving From Broken to Beautiful Through Grief” by Yvonne Ortega

    When I heard that my son had cancer for the third time, my attitude wasn’t very good.  I was angry with God and Satan and everyone who annoyed me in the slightest.  So when I found this book was available to me, I decided to read it.  Hey, what could it hurt?  I was feeling grief (among other things) over what my son was going through.

    I would say Ms. Ortega had every right to write this book.  Seven years ago, she suffered the loss of two aunts, her mother, and her only child within a seven-month time period!  Can you imagine?  So I’d say she is an authority on grief management.

    Yvonne put a lot of work into this book.  There are activities, affirmations, Bible readings, prayers, music recommendations, and moments she shares with the reader.  She wants so much to help you through your grief, you can’t help but appreciate her giving spirit.

    You learn to identify the “Wound Salters” from the Comforting Angels.  You learn how to handle the anger, tears, and regret.  You learn how to make it through the holidays without your loved one at your side.  You learn to not fight the new normal.  You learn the dangers of self-medication.  You learn to hold on to your faith instead of allowing it to fade.  And you see how you grow through grief.

    I recommend this book to anyone who is struggling with grief.  It’s easy to feel alone in your despair, but Yvonne has been where you are right now.  She longs to take you by the hand and lead you through this valley. (Jesus will take your other hand!)

    The publisher has provided me with a complimentary copy of this book through BookCrash.